Bylaws of Brotherhood of Freedom R/C, Inc.
Name and Purpose
1.1 Name. The name of this Club is Brotherhood of Freedom Riding Club (BOFRC)
1.2 Purpose. The purposes of the BOFRC are to promote good, clean and safe riding activities.
2.1 As members of Brotherhood of Freedom RC, Inc (BOFRC); we believe in total freedom. We do not believe in club dictatorship, cliques, power plays, or politics. We are not a 1% club, nor are we territorial; therefore we will not wear rockers on our backs. We respect all clubs and enjoy good relations wherever we go.
2.2 Application for Membership. Application for membership shall be submitted on the form approved by BOFRC. Applications are on the website All applications must first be sent to National and then to the Chapter President.
2.3 Categories of Membership.
Apprentice Member. After a membership application is filled out and submitted to National for review it will be sent to the chapter president to process. Once an application has been accepted, a period of no less than three months will be stated for the chapter officers to get to know the applicant. During this time you will get to know your officers and members. At the end of your apprenticeship you will be voted on by the officers of the chapter where a ⅔ affirmative vote is required for acceptance as a member of BOFRC.
Active Member. All active members must be at least 18 years of age, must have a working, street legal motorcycle and must possess a valid driver’s license with a cycle endorsement from the state in which they reside. Active members who pay dues will possess all the rights and benefits of being a member of BOFRC, including the right to vote and hold office. An active member includes a member who has lost the ability to ride and any active member’s spouse, who joins as a passenger, still remains an active member. If something happens to the driver the spouse will maintain voting rights and can hold office.
Support Member. A support member is any person who applies for membership that does not ride. After following the apprentice member requirements a vote will be made by the officers whereas a 2/3 majority vote will give membership. Support members shall have all the rights and benefits of the BOFRC, except the right to vote and hold office.
2.4 Election to Membership. An applicant receiving majority vote of the officers is elected to membership.
2.5 Code of Conduct. To wear a patch is a matter of honor and trust, it is a promise. By wearing a patch you are demonstrating that you belong to an organization. When you wear a patch, you represent all that wear the same patch. When you display that symbol of brotherhood and unity, you are saying to the world that you all stand for the same ideals. So in wearing a patch, you must choose carefully how you represent yourself. By wearing that patch, your words and actions not only reflect your character, but that of your club to whose patch you are loyal. So with that in mind, remember that your brother and sister’s reputation is also on the line when you wear that patch. Do so with Respect, with Integrity, and with Honor. Members shall at all times conduct themselves in an honorary manner and shall refrain from any deed or action that might tend to degrade the reputation of BOFRC. They shall at all times exhibit a willingness to work and participate in the affairs of BOFRC.
2.6 Suspension. Membership in the BOFRC may be suspended by the Chapter President. Reason for suspension: (a) if the member is in arrears in BOFRC dues for 6 months; (b) violation of the code and conduct whereas a vote of ⅔ of the officers will determine the suspension. A member shall not be allowed to wear any BOFRC patches/apparel while under suspension. The National President/State Director may ultimately suspend if there is a situation that arises with a Chapter President.
2.7 Termination. Membership in the BOFRC shall automatically terminate when a member ceases to be in good standing in BOFRC. They may be terminated: (a) at the request of the member with a written justified complaint, (b) for violation of the code and conduct (c) nonpayment of dues. A vote by the officers with 2/3 agreement will determine the termination. Upon termination all BOFRC property must be returned, including all patches, etc.
3.1 Monthly. A monthly meeting shall be held each month at a location voted on by each chapter, unless otherwise authorized by the National President.
3.2 Annual. The last regular meeting of the year is also the annual meeting. Each State Board of Directors shall have a minimum of one meeting per fiscal year, and may have more with proper notice.
3.3 Special. A special meeting may be called at any time by the National President, or the Chapter President.
3.4 Quorum. A quorum consists of the voting members present, one of whom must be the President or the Vice President.
3.5 Attendance Requirement. A minimum of three meetings and three rides annually, attending events and activities of BOFRC is required, if so directed by the President.
3.6 Voting. Each voting member of the BOFRC must be in attendance to exercise their vote. Voting on all matters shall be done by secret ballot, unless otherwise moved and passed by a 2/3 vote of voting members present. All voting members must vote on each motion. A member may ask, and be granted permission, to abstain from a ballot.
Officers, Election, Installation, Duties
4.1 Officers. The officers shall be as follows: (a) National level shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Director, Web Master, Administrative Director, Road Captain and Tail Gunner. The Web Master and Administrative Director may also hold a position of Secretary or Treasurer, and they may also hold positions in their local Chapter. (b) State Officers for the State level shall be Director, Assistant Director, State Ride Coordinator, Public Relations Officer, Web Master and Safety Coordinator and they also may hold positions in their local Chapters. (c) Chapter Officers shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Road Captain and Tail Gunner. Vice President, Safety and Membership positions will be appointed positions by the President/Director. A one year period will pertain to chapter officers (road captains, tailgunners, safety officers, secretary and treasurer). National President will have the option of stepping down if he feels he is no longer effective in that position. If the National President steps down the office will be filled by the National Vice President. He /she will continue the position until the annual October voting which at that time the position will be voted on by the National Officers. The National President will not be voted out of the position. National Officers positions will be up for review at the end of one year. This does not mean that there will be a vote to terminate the position.
4.2 Election. The Chapter Officers shall be elected for the ensuing year by a majority vote of the voting members present and voting at the regular meeting held in October. A list of the elected officers is to be presented to the National Secretary, by October 31st.
4.3 Installation. All elected officers will assume their elected stations at the beginning of their regular January meeting.
4.4 Duties.
National Officers:
President: The National President will oversee the operation of the BOFRC. The National President shall appoint each State Director and the State Director will appoint the Assistant Director. He/she shall hold the tiebreaker vote on all issues concerning National Business.
Vice President: Shall execute all orders of the President and, in his/her absence, perform the duties of the President
Membership Director: Shall be responsible to maintain the BOFRC membership roster. Shall receive, record, and update the Membership as needed. Chapter President or Membership director will contact the State Director. The State Director will then contact the National Membership Director with any roster changes.
Administrative Director: Shall be responsible for providing support to new, and current, Chapter Presidents who are in the process of building and recruiting for their BOFRC Chapter.
Road Captain: Shall be in charge of leading rides at the National level and to give advice to new chapter’s road captains to ensure their success.
Tail Gunner: Shall keep the back of the pack safe. Shall communicate with Road Captain on all rides and to give advice to chapter’s Tail Gunner to ensure their success.
Web Master: Shall update and maintain the National Web Site. Shall contact Chapter Presidents for information for the site, gather information for the National news letter, and oversee Chapter and State web sites.
Secretary: Shall take minutes of meetings, receive and process all reports from the chapters and assist the Treasurer.
Treasurer: Shall keep an accurate account of all monies received, and expenditures made; at each meeting shall provide a report of all funds received and expended during the preceding period; the report shall be filed with the Secretary.
(b) State Officers:
Director: Shall oversee the operation of the BOFRC as it pertains to their state.
Shall be responsible to appoint a Chapter President of a new Chapter when a new Chapter is opened. Shall hold the tiebreaker vote on all issues concerning State Business. Shall collect, verify, tally, and report to the National President the votes of the Board of Directors in their state on voting/elections at the National Level. The State Director is in charge of the State Board of Directors.
Assistant Director: Shall execute all orders of the State Director, in his/her absence; perform the duties of the State Director.
Ride Coordinator: Shall be responsible for scheduling quarterly State Rides and will conduct them as to include all Chapters in the State. All State Rides must be scheduled three months before the ride occurs. Also shall supply all pertinent information needed to coordinate the ride such as routes, events, cost and lodging. Shall be responsible to maintain the state ride calendar on the BOFRC main web page. This is to include new events, updates, and all changes in events and rides. Only the National Web Master may post events and rides with the National Calendar.
Public Relations Officer: Shall be responsible to maintain the BOFRC image with the public and contact media and newspapers when necessary. Shall also be responsible for getting pictures to the State Web Master for their web site.
Webmaster: Shall update and maintain their state’s website.
Safety Coordinator: Shall share safety information with the chapter’s safety officers. He/she will design, implement and audit the Chapter’s safety plan.
Board of Directors: Shall consist of the State Chapter Presidents. Each Chapter President will hold one (1) vote at state board meetings.
(c) Chapter Officers:
President: Shall be responsible for the business of the chapter and shall facilitate the scheduling of monthly chapter rides and events.
Vice President: Shall execute all orders of the President, in his/her absence; perform the duties of the President.
Road Captain: Shall be in charge of leading rides and to give advice to ensure their success.
Tail Gunner: Shall ride at the back of the pack to help insure the rider’s safety. He/she shall communicate with Road Captain on all rides and to give advice.
Secretary: Shall take minutes of meetings, and assist the Treasurer and report to the National Secretary.
Treasurer: Shall keep an accurate account of all monies received, and expenditures made; at each meeting shall provide a report of all funds received and expended during the preceding period; the report shall be filed with the Secretary.
Committees and Duties
Special Committees. The President shall appoint such special committees as he deems advisable, and assign their duties.
6.1 Fiscal Year. BOFRC shall operate on a calendar year basis, and it must arrange its books of account and annual report to conform to the calendar year.
6.2 Budget. BOFRC shall adopt an annual operating budget. The adoption of the budget constitutes the appropriation of funds for the purposes in the budget. Funds cannot be transferred from one account to another except by amendment to the budget. There can be no expenditure of funds except as authorized by the budget. The budget may be amended by affirmative vote of the members at any regular or annual meeting, or at a special meeting called for such purpose with notification to all members.
6.3 Financial Reporting Requirements. Each Chapter must, at the end of each calendar year, complete a report of financials, and files it with the National Secretary before the first day of February following the end of the calendar year.
6.4 Dues. The annual BOFRC dues shall be $60.00 per year. Cost of patches not included, and is the responsibility of the member of the chapter. Any changes in fees/dues will be voted on at the National annual meeting. ($12.00 per member per year goes to National and the remaining stays in the chapter.
6.5 Nonpayment of Dues. Any member whose dues are in arrears for six months shall be suspended from membership provided he has been given proper notice.
8.1 Procedure. A proposal to amend these bylaws must be sent to each member with proper notification of the meeting at which action will be taken. Amendments require a ⅔ affirmative vote of the voting members present and voting. If the proposal receives such affirmative vote, it is then sent to National. If there is approval of the proposal, it is adopted and becomes effective. Bylaws can be amended no more than twice per fiscal year.
BOFRC Disclaimer: Each member participates in activities solely by choice and participation itself relinquishes any responsibility of the BOFRC as an organization for any and all liabilities resulting in participation in any club related event or activity. All activities and events must comply with any state or local laws and ordinances. Any personal injury or property damage resulting during a club activity or at any time becomes the responsibility of the individual parties involved, and at no time shall the BOFRC be held liable.
Complaints about any Officer, by any member, may be presented in writing to the State Director for your state. The Club State Officers will review any violation of the guidelines. The accused will be afforded the right to address the Club State Officers before a decision is made. An offending Officer may be removed from his/her position, or expelled from the BOFRC.
The BOFRC National Board of Directors reserves the right to accept or reject members and to periodically, without notice, revise or amend guidelines and regulations where necessary.